
Spiritual & Emotional Health Services

The modern world can make you feel spiritually lost and emotionally drained. Let us help you discover how you were uniquely created by God. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses you can learn to better use them to make Christ centered decisions, engage in healthy relationships, establish a healthy self-esteem and ultimately a productive and fulfilling life.


Faith Based Marriage Mentoring

Every marriage goes through tough times.  We have decades of experience to help you develop the marriage to be what you always wanted it to be.  You’ll learn healthy conflict management and positive communication skills.   Just as importantly you’ll learn how to cherish and enjoy each other again by applying biblical principles to your marriage.


Anger Management

We offer a 10 hour anger management course that can be delivered to groups or tailored to individuals.  We’ll discuss the sources and causes of anger, the importance of a healthy self-esteem.  We’ll show you techniques for reducing physical arousal, how to handle emotional wounds, how to use journaling, and improve your interpersonal skills.  Overall, you’ll get a solid foundation for controlling your anger that will last the rest of your life.



Christian Life Coaching

If you feel you were meant for something better,  S&S will help you find it.   You’ll learn how to set realistic, measurable and timely goals, and then we’ll coach you through the process of achieving them using Biblical wisdom and by building and applying your faith to all areas of your life.


Pre-Marriage Counseling

We are certified Symbis Pre-Marriage Counseling Assessment Facilitators.  Take the assessment and in 5 convenient sessions you can save your marriage before it even starts.  Click here to see more about the Symbis Assessment.


What are you waiting for?

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